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Nicols Pat 100
Nicols Pat 100
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Published on 10/29/07 at 02:38
In between the video: http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=rLhxSxGiGYk

I use it for one month's hard
What I like most is that to be a dynamic effect trs (apart from when there is no low there's just a parade of gobo). Its price! allucinant, a scan has seuleument 140 (a crossroads of his St Etienne). I have two so I did the Master / slave (one shot sync and one with a symmetry). They are super fast and they adapt well to ryhtme music (unless the bpm is too lv.
I try first, and trs'm satisfied, I'm sure even in the night club would make its great (most of all we can put a 4 time)
The quality-price ratio? ben simply unbeatable for a scan!
Ds that I have the opportunity I Rasht other two to make a beautiful set! m board, did not buy no one is good but two is so much better!