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Pearl River Orlando - byxx's review
translated2 months of use .... very high power and very good dynamic !!!!!!!! low exellent quality report prix.Point weight 44 Kg but the effort is worth it ......
Pearl River Orlando - byxx's review
translatedVds 2 SCANS HMI PEARL RIVER NEW STATE UTILISs 20 HOURS; very powerful. New 2200 ERS / piece 3000 ORS LES 2 !!!! Region brittany dept TEL 22 June 15 35 53 39
Pearl River Orlando - loic.r's review
translatedNothing to say about the scan, monstrous. Simply wonderful, 10 years I used my 8 Orlando, they always turn to the impeccable, never had a worry, not a single bug on their part, offset by a single whe…