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Roland MC-50 MkII
Roland MC-50 MkII

Sequencer from Roland belonging to the MC series

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dajhne dajhne
Published on 08/17/05 at 08:17
Squenceur hardware with floppy's drive (2HD), including 2 midi out, 1 in, 1 through, synchro-band and out mtronome volume with DDI. It offers 8 MIDI tracks each containing up to 16 channels and two other tracks: rhythm, with Fast Fashion Pattern mode and tempo to record any changes. The edition is exaustive, quantize, copy, duplicate, merge, change tracks, transpose, insert (etc. ..) on all types of MIDI information: notes, control changes with the choice of n, tune, aftertouch and has a microscope for a shipping mode in detail. Points are prvus locators (practice your checks as chorus or verse of a song, as on magntos). His memory is 40000 marks tural, and a floppy disk can hold more songs ...


8 tracks is not much. Fortunately, you can track its merger everything is, and return even if its small (provided that no merger would be 2 o 2 tracks sound the same channel!). The screen seems small, but good information throughout the edition. The waiting time t is the internal software srieusement amlior compared to previous ones MODELS (MC300, MC500mk2), but n'vite not have to wait a bit to make a opration classic erease copy or, for example. Load time or backup seems unbearable squenceur fan of soft, but I never limit the contrary (to a ptite pause, a rest the ears). The manual is in two volumes: a beginners version prsentation trs clear, and the second is much more complete. They are in French and gnralements are rather well conus.


Auncun Intgr a sound module is not his vocation.


I had her little ERRF (MC300) for his years, and I use it since 4 / 5 years now. This is another Manir to compose, without setting a screen for hours. This machine, and never Previous plant they are indestructible! Ideal for live or for rfractaires obses software solutions and decision-heads, this is trs squenceur enjoyable to use. Or how that make life easier ... Go to the ct ngatif is that America has one of more tracks and memory, see the ct of MC80, latest issue. But it's a great machine!