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Coxx SD
Coxx SD

SG-Shaped Guitar from Coxx

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Published on 08/03/05 at 09:30
-22 Frets, 2 humbuckers bobinnages, the same shape as those of the SG
Bridge-simple, 2 part screws into the body, moon upon which lautre through the ropes and the ropes that hold them.
A 3-slecteurs positions in situ act of knobs, one volume knob and one micro Tone
Al-neck with wide patent APRS is assembled, the handle is in the same color as the body.

Edit: With experience, I put 9 because for 200, I never saw handle al!


The handle is enjoyable to play, it's not the Gibson course but cest nice. APRS have to play on a Washburn j'aprcie the width of the handle as the rope does not break every 2 seconds when you play. more. She agrees prcisment, even with a set light
Access in both acute pnible because of the lower horn is born the 19th box ds ...
Otherwise the form is enjoyable, trs close loriginale of Aesthetics, a bit heavy, but sy does well soon, parcontre, it looks frankly the cot of the handle.
if the pickups are not original post too much noise and gives me a beautiful sound, which Narache no eardrums or two when you get into treble. -Edit: I have a micro dsoss: trs good quality, although at first suprieur prices of all brands.


"I have a Mount Seymour HS-8. The handle al Confre him sound really right for a skyscraper that price.


I bought 2 years ago.
I paid 200 euros and lai cest rather honest, the fact considers how the handle is rather annoying. But hey, SG ...

with lexprience, PEIT jatendrai a little and instead dacheter two guitars a 200, java buy a skyscraper at 400. cest if a good guitar for beginners trs.