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Gibson SG Professional
Gibson SG Professional

SG-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the SG series

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Published on 02/05/08 at 07:36
I am happy pocesseur 25 years of professionalism Gibson SG made in USA 1971-1972 Kalamazoo.
Mahogany body, mahogany set neck into three parts, rosewood fingerboard, 22frets, original mechanical gibson deluxe replaced by Grover agreed to host. matic style bridge and vibrato Bigsby tun'o engraved gibson I stuck to the holding of agreement as well.
2 micros simple type p90 soap bar. 2 volumes and 2 tones, 3-position selector on a black plate in a half moon handle / mic / intermediate.
Originally varnish finish nut, I have fully restored by preserving the natural look of wood with just a wax patina, great look.


The handle is particularly fine on this model (nut de40mm) thanks to the fine making the action can be set very low without frieze, or a quick game and incredible comfort!
weight is relatively light and the guitar is well balanced which adds to the comfort of jeu.l access to acute is easy thanks to the double cutaway.
the sound is amazing especially on an amp while lamps, I shielded the cavities and the micro electronics with duct tape to remove the metal buzz.


On this point I can not put less than 10!
The sound is truly amazing! and it is not the passion for novelty! 25 years I play it, I have not found better in style.
I play either a marshal jcm 800 or a Peavey Classic 30 2 while the lights of course.
The clean sounds are clear and rich with lots of dynamics (p90) in the bridge position and crystalline intermediate, warm and round in the neck position, with a slight chorus and some delay is the dream.
Hight-channel gives a nice crunsh and if you push the preamp it comes into its own: it is deep and warm with a super fat sustain.
I play mostly in the style rock, rock blues and hardrock see more solo and she is really made for these styles of music. (Led Zeppelin, The Who, Zappa, acdc, etc.)
With a good distortion sounds are even more profound and fat in the neck position (may be less suited in middle position), and with an almost aggressive metal in the bridge position is the killer! Is the guitar solo par excellence! big vintage sound, with as stated in the notice before the feedback following the note.


25 years of use! is an old love story that lasts!, I tried other sg and even more recent lespaul disappointed me by their race and his clumsy compressé.Les only defects of which I ' I addressed was the holding of the agreement because of mechanical vibrato (it is noted that with good mechanical self-locking tremolo keep the little one).
I also have a very good strat but I never get tired of this sg and despite the many proposals of purchase I could never part with it.
Purchased 3000 francs (450 euros) used the time it is rare these days and sold up to 1500 euros!
Needless to say I do not regret that choice!