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Gibson SG Special
Gibson SG Special

SG-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the SG series

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Pucelle_Dabidjan Pucelle_Dabidjan
Published on 09/16/09 at 22:26
I will not tell you everything that makes up this guitar, my predecessors have already done. I do precise that my objective opinion.

Mahogany is normal, the painting is a bit repulsive, but the wooden key is just awful. When I help my grandmother to get the wood, use wood crates key Gibson Special ... it with a touch of irony, unfortunately the sad reality.


If I may compare with a Tokai SG75, the Tokai nose in front with the finest wood, varnish a little clearer to give a more positive overall. Also note the presence of a binding and benchmarks trapèzodododizaux (shit I can not write this in word & have). The Gibson wins but thanks to its micro, more lively and flexible than the MK2.

(5) a mid-range normal scratches that do nothing but shines really does not fit manquos.


The handling of the instrument is obvious, access is easy, and acute voluptuous side of the handle turns leading for long stretches. Add that the setting of the guitar was tested optimal. Which is rare on an original gibson.

The design of the mix of Contol allows good flexibility for the use and the weight is interesting for long jams.

The model tested buzzit when mounted bridge pickup volume to over 7, the seller told us that the mail was a small welding defect, but it would be repaired before final purchase by a customer.

(9) You want to criticize what? It's almost perfect. Miss a few small "push-pull phase" and other splits, but it would Chipotte.


When empty, the sounds of that instrument is bad. The tumbling his pasty with a side not really nice and powerless. With this first impression that I plug in and ...
... I am reassured. Overall the sound is very correct. Although the definition in the bass and midrange could be better and we have a side a bit teeming / imprecise instrument in the lower midrange, the sound is more in the top of the basket with acute controllable heat this well (without being transcendent of course, but it is not in the right price book either) a dynamic average very respectable (not to be confused with special).

it could breathe, but the difference with a squier Ibanez and other shows of his store there, a clear superiority of the Gibby.


Again, the Tokai SG75 in front with overall sound clearer, more tidy and with more punch, but the latter is a matter of personal taste

I enjoyed the versatility that can be drawn sound of the instrument according to the tone control and the microphone that you choose. This is a very good instrument for its flexibility.

(6) Better than good, unless super (Didier Super please choose)


I conducted a thorough testing of this guitar during the day yesterday. I used it on two combos "The valve" as well as a Blackstar Artisan 30.

1000 euros for this guitar is a questionable price. The price is comparable to that of competing Japanese and if we add 300 euros more, you are entitled to a customized sg and uncompromising with his maker. In the end, it's a personal choice.

(4) as well tell you, I do not know if I really recommend this choice.