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Harley Benton S-580
Harley Benton S-580
gio&gt;no.surprise gio&gt;no.surprise
Published on 01/30/09 at 10:45
So parts factory BC Rich in Asia, assembled in Germany
22 cargo, two humbucker (humbucker)
Bridge type les paul.
Two volume knob, two tone knobs
Bolt, for the price, this is normal.

I put a 2 because of the varnish made in asia shit, lack of finish.


The neck, rather agreeable, and report of guitars of this price, nothing to do with Gibson or Epiphone SG, the neck is low, access to acute shit.
In terms of weight, shape, balance, well such is a skyscraper shaped SG so ..?
She slumps .. handicap by playing up ...
For sound, well, home is blah, the neck pickup is rotten and saturates quickly, the bridge pickup is not bad.


So its perfect for me after modification
micro is a change of an emergency, but after changing it's nice, without more, a small combo sh2/sh4 and go ..
I use it on two head of tube amps orange and marshall 4x12 with bodies.

I hate the original sound,
I put 5 after change.
And yet, it's always vis a vis the price ..


I use it for 1year,
I love beautiful copy of the form sg gibson.

Now, I take exception when I read nonsense like this: I purchased a 500th, better than epiphone!!
My god how low even compared her, this thing has a g-400?
And how can we even say it is a lot next to a gibson?

For three, I understand anything .. reserved to the decor, and even!
Irritates me to see his opinions as his, with such a lack of objectivity.

I wanted to get rid, but I am ashamed to sell it!