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Storm SG Allblack
Storm SG Allblack
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Published on 01/03/08 at 14:12
Value For Money : Excellent
Certainly, manufactured in China or a country like a
-22 Frets, 2 passive humbucker
Fixed bridge vibrato-free
-2 Pots for the volume + 2 tone and one for the 3-position selector
Channel aims


Channel enjoyable without more, finishing not very fair at the frets
-Easy access to acute (for obvious SG) etpourtant I grew small hand
-Big surprise when I wanted to jou, the head dipped down, but I do not think it is a handicap to play standard upright
-The sound is worth the price I find especially on a good amp, but not a very suitable metal extreme


-I play metal (and sometimes punk) but not too extreme either, and this guitar well enough to be all kinds of metal except death or black
I played with a 15 watt amp drive home with a transistor amplifier 100 watt marshall rptition (Difference of the blatant)
-I have not rlement SSAI all styles. With the marshall amp distortion I get an good versatile enough (of offspring rammstein) but when I caught up with the same sound with a microphone to magnify the sound and have something more powerful to play metal. For against the sound is rather clean mdiocre the marshall on the drive while it is quite nice.
"I likes the sound of humbuckers for cons I do not know if I'm the only one encountering this problem but when I play a little stronger than a similar feedback vocal microphone appears and I am forced to lower the sound of microphones that also decrease the level of distortion


-I used deepuis 7 months
-I bought it primarily for the form and SG micrso so it's double what j'apprcie, what I like least is the weight but not very badly equilibrated Dranga
"I had an essay dja gibson SG but no other models in this price range
-The report is good without being qualitprix xtraordinaire
-With the xperience I think I would do this choice