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Marshall MG15CDR
Marshall MG15CDR

Solid-State Combo Guitar Amp from Marshall belonging to the MG 2nd Gen series

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pabli pabli
Published on 02/18/06 at 10:36
So a 15 watt transistor amp ...
We will not spread, nothing complex!

The effects ... : Reverb average (for the correct price)
Settings: high, low and contour, not medium ...


Setup is simple and the manual suitable for use beginner!
It gets very difficult without the right sound to spit ...


It is really disappointing past the beginner stage, the light is fine but the overdrive is a dive ...


I use it for a year and a half, the notes that I have made are not very high but for a beginner is to recommend a amplo, value for money is normal but I will not repeat that choice ... if you have money to go to start a Valvestate is horrible, but slightly less (compared to a lamp of course).

Wholesale and resell new to the ...