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Marshall MG15DFX
Marshall MG15DFX
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Xiors Xiors
Published on 12/28/08 at 14:33
- New FDD circuit (simulation of an all-tube amp)
- 2 channels (Clean / Overdrive) with volume indpendant CONTRL.
- Between CD.
- Accumulation of HP Output
- Headphone accumulation of HP
- 3-band EQ (bass, contour, and treble)
- Numriques Intgr effects (Reverb, Delay, Chorus and Flanger) with CONTRL
Adjustment / CONTRL and select level.
- CONTRL gain.
- Slecteur channel.
- 1 HP Custom-Voiced by 8 [zr]
- Dim (mm): 380 x 375 x 205, weight: 7.2 Kg


- I never was so easy to amp level rglage! Almost the luxury, if only the sound followed!

- This gives her a quick Mg, Love it or like it ...

- No need of manual for this type of amp it is so simple!


- This is a moment that I use this amp, not infact, a moment that I do not use more shame ... A misrable amps! The sound that emerges is poor despite its "CHARACTERISTICS" who view his attractive ... I have transformed into a micro speaker for vocals. He improved his singing that guitar. I played it with a Gibson Les Paul Custom, BTE and beautiful, guitar amps it's insured but not ... The sound is bad even with any rglage!

- It'm not my style plutt, solo and improvisation in many heavy mtal (sound soil or iron maiden), it's good for silent green day or ACDC ... M'enfin, it is the only sound that went with it even if j'tais plutt me look kind of Iron Maiden and Children of Bodom!

I'm from.


- On success this amp marshall of dgouter me for a while before I played on a Valvestate vs ... But until the limit j'tait fire fuck the amp so he had dgout ... C'tait my first amp, in short, I had no choice because the era, I thought the music would just pass me like her ...

- The report price is average quality, it is still correct ... I would say that the signature on the Marshall amp gives all its value and the sound and rglages worth 25euros ...

- MG series? Repeat purchase is a kind of "thing"? Oh? No, of sr! I tried a 100dfx mg. New, just try it as its in-store ... There was only one valid rglage ...