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Marshall MG50DFX
Marshall MG50DFX
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bugnon.jean-jacques bugnon.jean-jacques
Published on 08/30/05 at 14:55
It's a transistor amp, which delivers a power of 50 watts, 2 channels and a few effects: chorus + delay, chorus, delay, flanger.


The configuration is very simple, it's a basic amp trs, you plug your guitar and it really joue.on not need the manual to understand pr coment walk effects


I plutt east rock, but this amp is versatile and will suit the pluto bluesman and metalheads too xigant.Le clean sound is not bad, but the distortion is a little cold it is well suited for rhythm but drool a little about its effects solos.Les friendly and allows a dbutan ke to see what gives a chorus or delay, but its the s'arrte.


A good good amp that will fit well to those who (like me) starts APRS 1 or 2 years of practice begins to input into the world of guitar lctrique.En this amp is short for a nice trs Beginners meeting starts at jou seeing that with his friends to fund the garage without much dbours