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Peavey Blazer 158 TT
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revola revola
Published on 08/22/04 at 04:15
15 watts Transtube (accumulation of lamps) transistors
2 channels, 3 band legalization (bass, mid, treble), reverb
Guitar input, CD, headphone


It could not be simpler. We branch, turn two knobs and playing. Anything.


The clean sound is bright enough without being outstanding (but there is talk of a good amp 15 watts!). This lack may be a bit of personality but can be the goal compartment a marshall 15w 15w fender or that they are very specific.
The distortion is well made, you can get a very nice crunch, overdrive that dchire. To play the mtal, a drooling a little but no more.
To quibble, I'd say this amp lacks a bit of prsence to sound perfect.


For the price is excellent. I have since 1996 and is still going strong. Very practical for playing in an apartment without stirring up the whole neighborhood. Or, to move to guitar lessons, small jams between guitarists ...