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Peavey Bandit 112 II (Made in USA) (Discontinued)
Peavey Bandit 112 II (Made in USA) (Discontinued)

Solid-State Combo Guitar Amp from Peavey belonging to the Bandit series

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Le Taz Le Taz
Published on 06/14/07 at 16:00
Value For Money : Excellent
Be careful, this opinion relates to the Bandit 112 3rd gnration (new look, among other things ...)
100w amp, transistor, 1hp 12 ', complte connection.
2 channels, adjustable indpendamment (volume, eq, type of grain: vintage, modern, standard)
Circuit spcial (Transtube, but no lamp)


Extremely easy to use.
It is the evolution of the Bandit 112 SERIES must be 15 years now. I had the opportunity to work (work and personal scnes) on both first generation. I had always prfr the Peavey Envoy 110 (1st gnration, 40W, enough for RPTS "civilized") in terms of grain. The modulations of texture (vintage, modern) have appeared on the 2nd generations. The sound became less "dirty" as the first, but the grain a bit limited with little Intrets over his little ERRF. And here is the 3rd gnration, and this time, I finally feel that Peavey amp transistor apondu 100w ultimate ...


First of all I prcise I'm a big user of amps lamps, and I am trs requiring them. To understand my opinion on the bandit 112, you can view my opinion on the 110 sent to understand why I m'tale these transistors cheaply.

The functionality vintage / modern is finally taking its full extent. The 112 II dj silent reliable, that is trs musical. The clean sounds are likely to bluff you. The channel will lead you finish: If It sounded synthetic enough, especially compared to the Envoy 110 I), the grain becomes finally equilibrated modular music (soloists will s'clater) TRSR alists. Ons'approche Grain typs California (I think especially Rivera, but transistor!)

I am absolutely concquis!


112 The bandits have a good output level, a good prsence in the mix.
I made the mistake of buying a Valveking VK112 (sold) with grain volume m'voquait the bottom I sent, and now the Bandit III.
I also lugs around on scne. This amp (VK) is a disaster, including the HP and pramp, it comes out with a few prs Tonelab): low projection, few prsence, grainvraiment not top. Which will not happen in the Bandit.

If you hsitez between the VK112 (50w lamps) and Bandit112 III (100w transistors), I tell you all net 100 euro You Save the Difference, the villain is much more reliable, especially for the sc no. One of my best Discoveries in all that comes out in recent years, all technologies and price combined.