45 videos
smart:comp by sonible - the spectro-dynamic compr…
Sonible Smart Reverb : On teste cette nouvelle re…
Sonible x Focusrite Balancer Tutorial
smart:comp by sonible - the spectro-dynamic compr…
sonible X-Mas Sale 2018
Smart:eq 2 – How To Use The A.i. Smart:band | Son…
Sonible Smart Eq+ | Automatic Eq Curves For Mixin…
smart:EQ live by sonible | Preview
Introducing entropy:EQ⁺ – Creative postproduction…
Useful tips for working with the EQ+ series by so…
Overview Of The Smart:eq+ Plugin From Sonible
How to find the perfect spectral balance with sma…
How to make your lead guitar cut through the mix …
Introducing smart:EQ⁺ – Self-learning equalizer p…
Smart:eq By Sonible - Eq Plugin Show & Reveal - W…
Introducing proximity:EQ⁺ – Plugin for ideal room…
sonible frei:raum: proximity EQ & entropy EQ on d…
sonible frei:raum: proximity EQ & entropy EQ on g…
sonible frei:raum: smart EQ
sonible frei:raum: Introduction
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