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Roland SC-55
Roland SC-55
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Sebounet Sebounet
Published on 02/02/03 at 03:01
A half rack, 2 MIDI ins(!), 1 stereo output, 1 stereo input, 24-voice polyphony, 16 multi-timbral voices, sounds typical of the first version of ROLAND GS, a poor filter, a limited selection of sounds, two effects parralel or series... It's a box that is ideal for adding some basic sounds to a home studio ... There are some goodies: sysex programming can be done directly from the SC 55 (but you must enjoy working with cabalistic figures, notes ...), the screen is nice orange.


Easy to use for people with small fingers, the instructions are clear and suffieicent - sysex programming (in very small in the manual), you can assign the LFO to the filter. Ergonomically well thought out, since many things can be understood directly from the friendly orange screen.


Boark, sounds like a GS, and me, I don't like that much ..


A box with some tricks - for cheap, may be worth in use require few requirements, or to add a few little choruses, a little water, a small piano?