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Blade RH-4
Blade RH-4

STC-Shaped Guitar from Blade belonging to the Classic series

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mac tilloy mac tilloy
Published on 12/10/05 at 04:17
See Opinion of heinous Fonzy, I can not agree more.
mine is that the picture is pretty trs, we see the veins of frne, varnish slide
Well, I got it on ebay, customs and my friends have not really dry stores, and balalanc the package (the mail is TFW) as s ch .... as I have not rcupre RULES, and with a micro pet on the varnish has the rear.
the graphite nut n'tait not much nickel lim for a guitar of this level I trouve.richard Baudry, Remde is excellent luthier and it's actually a good system of nut


Access in acute trs is good.
the handle is the highlight, trs prcis, nice touch in the bne is fast, and responds better than my other guitars for the tapping and other modern techniques, the boxes are large, it is a guitar for the game lead.l think ergonomics is that of a stratum, is a comfortable suite, with a handle a little flatter, and easier jouer.j 've perso "d tense "vibrato too hard my taste, you can get by against the notes (not up!) energy, and does not move! great, because it is very easy to change the strings (not like a floyd)
weight issue, I bought it on ebay to United States, and I t surprised! frne the apse! it's not a les paul, but still it is heavier than the strats being sold ... this guitar was well in hand and is easy to play, I drang at t beginners because with a floyd or tuneomatic my right hand rested naturally to mute the strings, it is the least enjoyable, but I got used to it ...
Sperzel locking the mcaniques are highly recommended, walk a nickel!
then the sound: first it sounds dja trs fort empty branch when the pickups are quiet and trs trs prcis with a high output level, and they all three well-balance, no difference in volume between low and high, so it trs clean, clear sound for it is the top (Funck, cold and crystalline blues on the bass) for saturated The quality of these microphones is also their default TFW .. namely that they lack can be a chouillas of "fat" ls for heavy rhythm, so you have to play prcis trs, and many get into it if you want to play a little mchant, but the pedals or distortion of the amplifier to operate at this level also;
VSC is effective, but I still my prfre MICROAMP of mxr to boost, say has brought even more options (you can also boost serious acute +, not that mdium) a food fast enough batteries (although the stuff back in the middle!)


was right for my style, mostly rock, hard, clear and beautiful sounds.
I play mostly on whawha sansampgt2 + + + ME8 effects of a sound and clear channel amp. or at home on a mesa boogie + studio22.
everything is possible except the organic trs, trs dgoulinant fat and if you know what I mean, this guitar will be for some to be too clinical ... s'battre to make him really speak her, what! finally looks like Elie Semoun, j'me'comprends ....
against by the tappng and plans to show off, the handle is trs nice to me, more than others (Gibson SG and Hamer centaur)
in fact I would take this guitar not to play Rory Gallagher, or for the extreme death if she does everything else well.


Two years?
most: quiet, pretty and trs class, you can play it in a tuxedo and versatile ...
minimum: a little heavy for my small frame and a Start, the nut n'tait not well finished, only default, because the rest silent perfect ...
I tried ibanez, strata, Vigier, sg, les paul etc ...
I bought 1200 dollars to us by ebay (customs Franaise included) and the ratio q / p trs is good compared to the layers, eg ... New it is (when it is) just under 2000 euros, the report q / p is correct with no more and I would not buy this award. In this regard the value argus Audiofanzine gives me strange looks ... (200 euros less than the standard that is alder + SLAR, whereas here one has the key in ash + super bne .. .. I think she has the same value at worst, see a little more CHRE, which is confirmed by the price of nine ...)
that price I reprendrais.mais finally, mca dores, it's not my thing, a wrong with my hair ...