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Fender American Stratocaster [2000-2007]
Fender American Stratocaster [2000-2007]
Published on 12/01/06 at 16:12
19 frets 3 single bo. made to the United States.
mine is natural color, light wood / yellowish (rather ugly but because it is a gift Jene will not complain about it ^ ^)


The neck is as pleasant a taste of my guiatres I could try with friends or in store.
access to your dificil treble is a little but nothing dramatic sufit to bend the wrist a little and password.

I working stream light enough and I have no back pain by placing it after an hour of play

Also what does breath quite to the positions 1 3 5, 2.4 on a part of it disappears


Playing soft rock (black desire, for example) is doing it without problem
and hard (Marilyn Manson), but it's just the sound is clean (well to my taste I like pretty grimey sonoritées)
I use a Peavy rage 158 corespond me sound so good.

I use it rather a distortion of the position pickup the sound is cold and precise so for me it's perfect.
on the other hand I put in the clear in the neck pickup bridge pickup in sonoritées are pretty unpleasant, too sharp and "sharp" ...


I use it for 6 months and it satisfied me completely.
I like its shape, the history of this legendary guiatre etc. but within the topic I like its relatively light weight, comfort.

but the color is really ugly, but I did and little by little j'aprecie.
experienceoui with this choice I do it again but I will also telecaster signature john 5 a dream ...