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< All Fender Hot Rodded American Lone Star Stratocaster reviews
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Fender Hot Rodded American Lone Star Stratocaster
Fender Hot Rodded American Lone Star Stratocaster
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Published on 12/25/05 at 13:41
This layer was made in US
2 singles texas
1 pealy Gates Seymour Duncan


I used to play on an Ibanez JS100 as well say the highway and the highway is to play on a Fender neck made me confused but you get very quickly
Sound: this is the highlight of this guitar, I frankly yesterday I still can not believe, I played so much time on guitars and tweaking the sound settings to get the slamming his brilliant but with this guitar everything is simple, the sounds are well crystalline slamming, rock blues to funk it's happiness, I read some advice before you use it and I must admit, the guitar distortion décrottre hard , it's simple it's hard to turn down the volume, the grain is ...


This guitar is well suited to my style rock blues funk


I used it yesterday for the first time and now for about 8 hours
I'll be going just a little critical, the selector position is too close for my taste strings funk rhythm is a little hard not to change position but I think I'll get used to very quickly
This is a guitar that combines the one hand clean sounds to die for and a distortion that kills
very granular and dense.
I would do without hesitation that choice