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Fender Ritchie Blackmore Stratocaster
Fender Ritchie Blackmore Stratocaster
Lucas.M.Mucciante Lucas.M.Mucciante

«  Very good! »

Published on 04/17/13 at 00:28
- Made in Mexico (2009)
- Vintage style synchronized tremolo
- Neck: Neck U profile, rosewood fingerboard scallopée.
- 21 frets, 2 Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound Flat SSL-4
- 3 knobs: volume (post-easy to turn to the violoning), 2 tones. Pickup selector 3 positions.

==> For me, the Mexican production is not bad, I think they are very well designed and sound extraordinarily well. The whole is coherent and satisfies me: 10/10.


=> The fact that the key is scallopé allows a perfect control, it is true that the early hours are quite painful but after that is just perfect!

=> Access to acute is like a fender 21 boxes, I personally find it easy.

=> The vibrato is a bit "harder" than my Fender Stratocaster mexican standard 2012 but keeping the tuning is correct (except for the G string (but it is well known on the guitars ...) ).

==> This will be a 9/10 and not a 10/10 because I take a point for the vibrato tune the G string easily but ... It must still go ...


Overall, the output level of the microphone is quite large, being a former player of Gibson SG, I admit to not be bothered by a lack of attack, etc. ...

The Seymour Duncan doing a good job. The neck pickup to a tone may be too "round" but it is sometimes useful to me. Phase we get a good balance, but I am a big fan of micro trestle which is simply outstanding position, it allows me to play in the register Deep purple / Rainbow / Malmsteen, which suits me perfectly.

No complaints, good sound provided you have fingers that go with! Haha. 10/10.


I use this guitar for about one month, and I must say that I became a fan of scallopé round, we like it or not like it, at least it suits me.
If you want to play in the style Yngwie Johann Malmsteen / Ritchie Blackmore, this guitar is for you!
I got it in exchange for a Gibson SG Standard and I do not regret it.

Tip: must try! 10/10