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< All Fender Special Edition Koa Stratocaster reviews
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Fender Special Edition Koa Stratocaster
Fender Special Edition Koa Stratocaster

STC-Shaped Guitar from Fender belonging to the Stratocaster series

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gumada gumada
Published on 05/20/06 at 02:05
Value For Money : Poor
Precision of importance that guitar is not made in Japan but in Korea.
She has a great look of the exotic nature of the wood used (KOA), never used even in the custom shop, handle Saddle with nodes fawn burr wood pickguard quail. It has 22 frets, tremolo knives on two supports classic Fender. Rglages the classic one volume, one neck pickup Tone Tone and a central micro and a micro slecteur 5 positions. The handle is U-shaped plutt
flat is suitable for small fingers.


The handle is at first trs enjoyable touch of the nature of the wood used (SLAR) and satin finish varnish that leaves your left hand slides easily along the shaft. But alas - Funny for a guitar of this price (999.00 euros), the frets are not polished on the edge of the handle. This serious and hard makes the game particulirement dsagrable. Ergonomics and weight are known to the standard Fender.
The three pickups are Seymour Duncan, not Fender. Deuxime dception big because we have not waited for the sound of a Start. The sound is trs acute cold and aggressive in the slecteur intermdiaires positions (position 2 and 4) you do not get that famous Fender's (opposite phase). However we get a sound that could come close (???) humbucking pickups and playing with the markers of tonality can get a little jazzy sound (???)


The sound obtained due to me completely sold a guitar this price. I play in my amp currently on a VOX Valvetronix AD30VT. With several Fender Start: Amrican Standard, 3 and 2 Japanese Mxicaines I am done with this guitar.


This guitar has a flattering look trs but does not ring. I Whereas it has a trs bad relationship quality price and I would advise any buyer to turn to the same MODELS Japanese Used found on the market a price range of 450 680 euros. The 60th anniversary specially assembled in Mexico do not score as 649.00 euros, and it sounds better. That's it says ...