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Ibanez Gio GRX70
Ibanez Gio GRX70

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Gio series

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« Ibanez GRX 70 »

Published on 09/20/03 at 15:00
This guitar is my first guitar and I got it from Rimmers music , Blackburn.
The guitar cost somewhere in the region of £180 but I am not totally sure.
I got the guitar with a Marshall MG10 and in all fareness,this amp did not uncover the guitars true potential.Ihave now upgraded to a Carlsbro GLX50 and this partnership just ROCKS.

As I said , this is my first guitar, so when I got it I didn't really know the difference between any guitar so I didn't know what to expect.
I have now tried a couple of guitars in the same price range but none of them tonally are in the same league.
This guitar is just great value for money!

I went on the Ibanez website and the model featured on there actually has a whammy bar
wheras mine doesn't but I am not considerably worried about that but I can imagine some people may get frustrated at this.
Another thing is that the tone control keeps becoming loose then falling off, and this wouldn't really be appropriate mid gig when youre on your knees in pitch black lookin' for that lost tone pot!
I have had the guitar for a year now and just recentley I have noticed crackling when selecting a pickup.

Overall I think this guitar is made very well indeed , I am not sure of the timbers but the humbuckers can sound very sweet at times.

Overall this guitar is great value for money and is a great starters guitar but is certainly gig worthy and Ideal as a second guitar live so you could just let rip with a few slide licks!

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com