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Ibanez RG320FM
Ibanez RG320FM

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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Published on 06/29/05 at 03:43
For info see below.


Flat handle enjoyable and does not catch So good Access in no acute problem.
The guitar is neither too heavy nor lgre but correct. She has a beautiful finish and trs guitar in it is very well equilibrated even compared to a warlock ... The only small problem is the floyd is difficult to handle but you get used force.
Cf for the bottom.


I play mainly mtal and for now it suits my style. I play on an amply bandit 112 and pedals and you get a pretty good sound saturated.
I'm not saying that the microphones are on top but rather correct, but I agree with the change against the same EMG 81 and 85.


I use it for one month which is the more attractive is the finish and color. Which is too bad the pickups are lacking a little punch but otherwise the RG 320 FM is a good guitar for 500.
If I should repeat the choice I would do without problem.