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Ibanez RG370DX
Ibanez RG370DX

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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bobcachelotxx bobcachelotxx
Published on 03/05/08 at 08:12
24 jumbo fret
pink floyd
2 H and a simple micro
Channel trs end


Physical: This guitar has the curve superstrate earlier aggressive, much more than the dinky jackson is only if the headstock, the weight is rpart, trs end of the handle is thereby in a good aprentissage level solo, acute at the CHAC is the best quality of this guitare.tel says prcdemment, acute at the CHAC is easy to first cargo to the 24th. the floyd rose is drangent earlier, it takes time to learn to tune your guitar, and even more to change the string, if you like dsagrable change tuning, we just pass a limit standart drop d without difficulty for the rest must all dsajuster.il must be connected before each practice ... trsdsagrable and make the vrifier floyd a luthier if not too sharp, I break an average practice is a rope that is trsdsagrable.


Noise level trs versatile this guitar is the bridge pickup is very well for metal and hard rock riff, the bridge pickup has a sound that I do not know dcrire for solo, it is superb, the pick up simple ... useless, It seems they want to impress in the most Mettan pickup possible. I used to that if the clean sound but only between the handle and the center, one microphone not worth much.


Opinion gnral: I have for over a year and I think a change, not because what does not play well but because I find my style and suits me better now that Jackson, I have no regrets of this guitar, excellent for beginners without a doubt, this is an excellent new report quality prix.Seule ngatif point is that this guitar has not personals in sound (very neutral) floyd and the quality is pretty bad.