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Ibanez RG370DX
Ibanez RG370DX

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the RG Standard series

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vampire008 vampire008
Published on 08/17/05 at 17:34
Made in Korea
24 cases
5-way switch 1volume a tone

wooden handle? .. not all acajout + key


Handle very pleasant and super flat for solo al!
Easy access to sharp even at the 24 th box
good ergonomics and weight with a Flyt case it starts to asser heavy when you walk with more than 200 meters but the guitar itself has an average weight
just something taking c jack is wrong damn one can sit to play peter s the jack if it is assimilated to the station in LAIRE head ... (I lai already done ..)
its rating is nothing to say c nikel


C tres guitar Polyval almost anything goes with the scraper!
a v + a peavey amp buy 112 Express yesterday (comp buy radall rg 200g2) second hand and it looks good in almost everything!
I like the miro sound to the body very hot!


I used the last one month is c is the foot
I love his class, the super slim neck, finicion and color (I precise than mine is a c rg 370dx this / / / / this> channel Magifique dark blue c)
mmmmm .. 8 or 9 o I know
price ratio Worth and especially second hand