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Ibanez SA160
Ibanez SA160

STC-Shaped Guitar from Ibanez belonging to the SA Standard series

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« Ibanez SA-160 »

Published on 01/02/04 at 15:00
Bought at a local music shop for the equivalent of around 260 pounds. Sorry, I dont know what that is un USD!

I wanted to try out one of Ibanez' new offshoots of the original S line, which use mahogany bodies, so i tried this one out.

What instantly got me hooked on this instrument is how unbeleivably comfortable it is to play. It is extremely light and fits on a guitarist like nothing else ive ever seen. Ibanez RG necks are famous for being narrow and easy to play, but it honestly feels as though the SA necks are thinner! I havnt bothered looking up the measurements though. Ive been too busy playing.

The instrument is versitile in terms of sound: you get an unbeleivably clear sounding, rich tone from this instrument. It sounds good with any type and amount of distortion I've tried. And playing acoustic is just a treat.

Im a metalhead, my style of playing is typically fast and technical. My sound is like minor-scale metal with a strong hint of blues-influenced classic rock and a bit of neo-classical. With this instrument I got the winning combination of a lovely, rich, smooth (yet versitile) sound, an ULTRA-thin neck, and comfort in playing.

Everything I can think of - wiring, pickups, finish - is all absolutely flawless.

What don't I like? Well... nothing I can think of.

If i was to really be a hard b*stard I might say the look of the instrument - the body (headstock is cool as hell!) - might not look suited for what music I play - which ranges practically all types of metal.

But this is not a big problem at all as I was looking for a great sound and feel rather than aggressive or flashy looks. Its not a problem at all.

mahogany body, bolt-on neck: maple neck, rosewood fingerboard, pearl-dot inlay.

22 medium frets, SAT30 bridge (great piece, this one!). Chrome hardware. In the words of a friend: cool.

Pickup configuration: S-S-H.

You might be biased (racist!) and say that all metal or rock guitars should have 2 humbuckers... well... I was going to say something clever but I suggest you just try this piece out with as many different sounds as you can. You'll understand.

Well... to sum up: Brilliant instrument. thats all i can say. 5 points here.

About its odd versitility: as I mentioned, I play metal. You'll also catch me playing blues style things or whatever else... and this guitar is perfect for all of them. I would not be suprised to see this instrument used by pros in all fields of music.

I got the great combination of a crystal-clear yet rich tone, and the thinnest neck I've ever seen.

Did I mention it plays as well as an SV??? Now theres something to think about.

Heres some advice: Try one of these out some time. You'll see what I mean.

Until then, rock on.


This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com