Kramer Focus 6000 - "Kramer Focus 6000"
I got the guitar free from my cousin, he bought it used at a pawn shop for 200$CAD I love the floyd rose, also the sound it makes is incredible, its the most solid guitar I ever owned, its almost 20…
Kramer Focus VT-111S - "Kramer Focus VT111S"
Well, this is my second review. I got it a month ago at Christmas. Two days after I got it I wrote a 4-pick review here, but my opinion has changed greatly. It's good looking. MY GOD! At first …
Kramer Focus VT-111S - "Kramer 111S"
59.99 at I am learning to play guitar and I wanted to use an electric guitar vice my acoutstic steel sting fender. I needed to find a cheap strat copy to learn to play. I looked ar…
Kramer Focus VT-111S - "Kramer Focus 111S"
i got this electric guitar from for US $79.99 , why i bought the guitar, becuase i needed a guitar to play and it was the cheapest i could find at the time. The standard pick up arnt…
Kramer Focus 1000 - "Kramer Focus"
i am a teenager who has recentrly started a band and i was looking for a new guitar and i saw a kramer focus at one of my friends house i was amazed at how well a lower price ranged guitar could play…
Kramer Focus VT-111S - "Kramer Focus 111S"
I bought 2 units from One for me and one for my 9 year old son. I wanted surf green and it was only available on the deluxe model. The other, vintage white was only available on the s…
Kramer Focus VT-211S - "Kramer Focus 211S"
I bought my Kramer Focus 211S 'Fatboy' from, the only place you can possibly get them, lol. I paid $94.99 for the guitar, and have some killer accessories. I like it because its inexpens…
Kramer Focus 1000 - "Kramer Focus 1000"
this is an old kramer from the 80's its an origanil it plays great i got it throughmy dad's friend i got it for free probably on of my fav guitars it delivers an awesome sound great for that heavy…
Kramer Focus VT-111S - "Kramer Focus VT-111S"
I bought this guitar at and I paid $120.00 for it. I have a real passion for the guitar and all I had was one of those cheap acoustics from Wal*Mart and of course, I wanted a better one. …
Kramer Focus 1000 - "Kramer Focus"
I bought this guitar for $90.00 at It has to be one of the BEST guitars I have played on.. I like it better then my Ibanez. This review was originally published on http://www.musicgear…
Kramer Focus 1000 - "Kramer Focus"
I told my parents to get me a guitar for christmas. Nothing expensive, just something that made a sound. I looked all around the internet for a cheap guitar and I found I typed in "under…
Kramer Pacer Vintage - "Kramer Pacer"
I bought this guitar as part of a package from for £125 I dont like anything about this guitar apart from the fact that it will be getting replaced shortly This guitar does not sounds…
Kramer Focus 1000 - "Kramer Focus"
I purchased this guitar from, like everyone else who has reviewed this guitar, (Is this the only place to get one of these things?). I paid just $79.95 for it, which is less than I paid f…
Kramer Focus VT-111S - "Kramer Focus VT111S"
I paid 79.00 for the Kramer Focus VT111S at , as a beginners guitar. I really like the design of it, and I love the coloer of the guitar. I mean its awesome lookin for 80 BUCKS. I r…
Kramer Focus 1000 - "Kramer Focus"
I saw a small ad in the Guitar magazine some weeks ago and this guitar cought my eye, the thing that really cought my eye was the outstanding price. at the time these guitars were selling for only 69…