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LTD MH-400
LTD MH-400

STC-Shaped Guitar from LTD belonging to the Standard MH series

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Published on 04/03/06 at 13:05
- In what country does she makes? (United States, Japan, Mexico, France ...)
Made in Korea
- How many frets, what kind of micro as well as their configuration?
It possde 24 cases, it is up to EMG 81 (bridge) and 85 (sleeve). Personal 85 on a t replaced by a 89, splittable, for even more versatility.
- What type of bridge (Floyd, Wilkinson ...)?
Floyd Rose licensed
- What are the rglages (Volume, Tone slecteur micro ...)?
It possde 3 switch positions (bridge / bridge + neck / neck, fairly "standard"), a potentiometer volume and tone of a potentiometer.
What type of race?
The neck is thick and round in an Ibanez Wizard (which allows you to avoid cramps in the left hand APRS some playing time in line in the bass), but from the 7 8th-me box it flattens out to become much faster in aigus.Bref, what a beautiful race.

I put 9 because the floyd is dsacorde a little after a while of use, but good must also say that this is not a BFF! Otherwise, the violin is super good quality for the price.


- The handle is it enjoyable?
Yes, trs enjoyable, the varnish will not stick if you sweat a little, but hey if your a true fountain may stick a little (or so to say the opposite is used lubricant looool)
- Access in acute (dernires freight) is it easy?
Trs good ACCS to acute (even if it is not a Fliyng V either) thanks to the handle "set-thru" (set neck "finish" through, so join the body / neck " oblique ")
- Ergonomics is it good (in terms of shape, weight ...)?
Good ergonomics, the guitar does not lean of the head, but it is a bit heavy (at least not as much as a LP either, like 5Kg, mahogany requires ...)
- Gets it easy to sound good? ...
Yes, there's no 36,000 positions, or a microphone, either 2 or just the volume or the volume of background ,.... short simple!

I put 10 guitar suits me because it totally in terms of "measurement" (loool), the APRS is a bit subjective, knowing that not everyone has the same build, the m my hands ...


- Appropriate are your style of music?
Totally, I play a lot of Heavy with this guitar, even the Black Death and occasionally (if the tuning is appropriate), but it can also break you trs clair.Bon its pretty ok the Blues and Jazz are not prdilection field, but she knows be relatively versatile in style Hard-Metal.
- With what (s) amplifier (s) or effect (s) do you play?
I play Peavey Bandit 112, Behringer V-Amp 2 and in a few days a disto Home Made with a Boss DS1 basis.
- What kind of sound you get and with what rglages ("crystalline", "bold ",....)?
The clear sound in the bridge position is clear and slamming trs (preque crystalline yes). IN handle it is much more round and soft, warm enough I think.
The sound is saturated as it prcis trs, right and a little cold bridge (which will therefore be necessary to metal), but it's quite warm, round and round.

I put 10 because, again, is a subjective opinion, as the stuff you have APRS, but personal sound for me totally, it's my main guitar and I find gniale.


- How long have you use it?
I have since mid-September 2005
- What is the particular feature you like best and least?
I love the finish, sound ergonomics. .... I like least no ide!
- Have you tried many other models before acqurir?
Schecter C1 Hellraiser, Ltd. EX400BD, Cort Neil Zaza, Cort G290.
- How do you report qualitprix?
Trs good as any from the LtD sries 400.
- With the exprience, you do again this choice? ...
Yes, several times even!

10 because it had the guitar, above mid-range, low premium