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< All Squier Affinity Stratocaster [1997-2020] reviews
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Squier Affinity Stratocaster [1997-2020]
Squier Affinity Stratocaster [1997-2020]

STC-Shaped Guitar from Squier belonging to the Affinity series

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SpaceMoNKeY SpaceMoNKeY
Published on 06/22/06 at 07:44
Finish level is more than adequate for a skyscraper that price, the instrument has a relatively good quality overall.
3 knobs (2 tone, 1 volume): the tones do not change practically nothing, forget.
A micro slecteur (5 position).
The vibrato is also left in the bag, it is just beautiful to you may hurt more than a guitar as a sound model.
There are 22 boxes.
(Ie -1 for knobs and vibrato, because ke -1 21 frets and not 23)


The handle is trs enjoyable: there is an end despite the bomb giving back a little more support for the agreements and to acute ACCS is honest.
The Squier is also lgre and you can play standing up as sitting without problem.
Touching at the slecteur micro (not the 2 tones knobs) can be obtained relatively quickly, however, the type of configuration sonoritsdsir 3 microphones simply remove some of PCHE.


The micro config (3s) to get a pretty frank clear sound for a guitar of this range, for against the lack of double pnalise a bit for a powerful distortion. Guitar sounds more oriented towards the mdiums.
So for the mtal jou is not excellent, its own provides good lil crunch if you set your amp overdrive but the powerful will not be the appointment.


I have now for almost 2 years, this was my Premire scratch (I switched to the Jackson DK2 Dinky), and for beginners it is a good investment.
Especially since to learn the guitar I think it is best to start by the clear sound (ca learn to play clean).
The report is qualitprix honnte, it is robust to a ptite guitar and will follow you during your first learning. APRS course, it is better to pass a range suprieur to take full advantage of our talents (LoL). In short it is a good guitar for beginners.