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< All Squier Bullet Strat with Tremolo reviews
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Squier Bullet Strat with Tremolo
Squier Bullet Strat with Tremolo

STC-Shaped Guitar from Squier belonging to the Bullet series

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futfut3d futfut3d
Published on 11/08/07 at 19:07
Made in Japan

21 frets, 3 single micro brief description in the rest of the Fender!


Channel enjoyable

Accs carrment easy to acute (compare les paul)

Ben is a start so it's super comfortable!

Sounds good.


Yes for rock and blues styles, funk is also the big sound of the les paul

Marshall VS100 amp

I do not play with that in the almost clear sound, clean, properly sustain

Sound ... medium without hsitation position, although with a little bluesy roundness.


Since July 2007
History: possdant an Epiphone Les Paul I was looking for something DIFFERENT, a friend of possde a REAL Fender Stratocaster and I found the position comfortable and nice clear sound trs.
I make my guitar store and I see it in white ... Rvlation ca be that l!
Look at the price 150 (joint with tax!) Told me to hop on trying.
And PAF ... on the ass: my god it sounds good ... and yet the boxes on his mdiocrit go around the net.
I guarantee you that I tried (I possde for that matter) sounds very hyper ... The friend who has not come back strat USD in the middle position (the best my taste) and my teacher is also scratching carrment it sounds good ... Y aurait'il specimens of rare squier that are worth ... Must believe that yes!
10 because at that price it's a big surprise in esprant not reconsider my decision in a few months (like the knob or something or other!)