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Squier Hello Kitty Strat
Squier Hello Kitty Strat

STC-Shaped Guitar from Squier

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Virtual Decadence Virtual Decadence
Published on 03/15/07 at 10:11
Value For Money : Excellent
See Notice roustella.

OK it&#39;s a girl guitar so they have put a volume knob and a microphone (and even you could have a knob that looks like a washing machine timer for the absolute cliché). So the motto is "girls that loves music but it&#39;s not a passion for technology for technology, it prefers simpicité the service of efficiency and then it attaches great importance to look" ... it is on these are clichés, but it provides a consistent guitar in this spirit that might interest people other than teenagers beginners.
The look is OK ... for example the total kitscherie but the handle 70 with his head it&#39;s simply beautiful and classy. On this side it is a success. She has a small mouth. The black model also reduces the effect kitsch (it is almost a shame).


The neck is maple and is home strato Strato (C). So for those who love. My girlfriend is happy anyway.
The lightness was worked on the other hand but not at the expense of overall quality (the price of course) with harmful effect on the sound. Before that my girlfriend had a Lag low end (but with lots of microphones and sound configuration) a slight but damn that was missing in potato bass and treble aves imprecise. Ben on Hello Kitty, despite its obvious limitations (a single sound !!!), it was still a good balance and some even slamming fenderien (surprising given that there is a humbucker). Ily has something in the sound of scratching in the treble I like very much in its crunchy. One side hot ... hard to explain but a very beautiful sound ever in a skyscraper that price.

By varying the different models of my POD XT, I got to sound good clean / crunchy very current pop-rock (with its type or a Vox AC 30 Fender amp) and saturated it stands quite well on solos (knowing that I&#39;m not shredding).

Well of course, its weakness is the lack of versatility .. but you still have good effects, amp and especially your fingers to create versatility. Personally, I love the guitar as simple as that. It&#39;s quite a concept that requires to adapt his game to the expected results.

Come on, I put a 10 for the price / quality ratio. I who toujorus shit on the poor quality of Squier I do my mea culpa, I obviously years of delay.


Bah I touched it to 140 euros including shipping on eBay. So a case. A favorite for the anniversary of my girlfriend (who did not really need, since it has its Lag and above all my guitars on hand) ... but hey a favorite combined with a case, I have not resisted. especially for the kitsch, the status of future collector&#39;s item or worship (Didier Wampas uses one on stage .. ouahouh !!!!).
But it is a very good guitar for the price. Ergonomics will crack all the girls and his side gadget is only apparent, it is a true skyscraper.
My only regret is having not dare to take the pink model.

Ultra recommended for crunchy sounds / more saturated rock / hard rock. I managed to find a pan-funky sound but hey, preferring to play with a neck pickup to dose usually sounds a little funky, it&#39;s not the joy of being without a guitar.
For rhythmic funk / reggae for someone who prefers to play in the teeth acute, it holds the road (at least when compared not a telecaster :-)).


Guitar very endearing! A little guitar equivalent of a Peugeot 106 .. the big macho good scratch going to laugh but as soon as he hears he will not rest until the prick with his girlfriend. I razed the walls when I returned to the post with this ultra-kitsch package under his arm, ready to defend myself like "uh this is a gift" in case I meet an acquaintance. Must be said that the box looks more like a toy than a Barbie guitar.
The slogan "Start a band, write songs, heart break and live dreams" ... whole program (see the website: http://www.fenderhellokitty.com/)

I would take a few well bronco bass in the same series with the duck ... but for me this time :-)
It was a few days.

The most: the concept, look, look, look. The lightness, simplicity, efficiency of micro, sound fairly accurate and balanced surprising in this price range, stick his head with nice 70&#39;s superb, the look, look, look ... kitch positive side.

Cons: versatility, not to expect a pure sound strato. Ah yes, the bridge with the screws above .. it hurts in the "palm mute". Too bad!

Quality / price ratio: very good though (especially considering the price and I got it). I put 10 in a particular context: guitar reasonably priced quality plus a concept kitsch / offset / punk that kills and a good personality.

This choice was a total impulse buy for a gift, almost a joke to my girlfriend. But as we saw flashed above them both, I would do the right choice for the pure fun.

In other models, I have a few: Gretsch Tenessean, Variax 600, Fender humbucker with customized Lead, Lag MG100 ... the only one I can compare is the Lag that is substantially the same price .. and there&#39;s no picture, it is more personality and more accurate sound that is lost in versatility.

In short my girlfriend went the couple Lag MG100 Marshall MG15 CDR + Vox Pathfinder 15R + Strato Squier Hello Kitty and frankly, she won a damn good rock-blues vintage sound and far from neutral and smooth where it has lost setting options but with his general better than average.

I just love this config + Vox Pathfinder Hello Kitty not I stop squatting his gear and yet the whole is little more than half the price of my worst guitar. (After which said person also said "please do not for everyone "So to try.)