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Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L
Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L
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«  Very upscale »

Published on 08/25/13 at 11:22
I got these pickups beginning in August, to install on a Squier "series E" of 86 rosewood, the violin very good, with a very good resonance vacuum and a very good balance between the strings. Originally it was equipped with ceramic pickups that suited him but no details at all. Since I installed a full plate Standart + condo Strat high quality (but too loud, lack of heat) and a Texas Special in serious, but it was not always. So to break the side a bit garish, I tried to burn a SD alnico 2 APS1. The Alnico 2 snack shine, but not the accuracy of the alnico 5, especially in the bass. It's still not going. Ultimately we ended up not get hurt, but against part is very informative.
I was looking for other microphones on the net, with the priority of alnico 5 not too strong either, and came across the glowing review of micro Tornado. I sent an email, describing my Strat with my different experiences of successive microphones. Marc told me his set of Strat'60s, but frankly, has put a damper if the violin is too gaudy ...
Today, I can say that the challenge is successful, I find the whole quality of my Squier violin E, sustain, balance, plus the quality of these microphones. As Mark says: "The sound is broad, dynamic, the bass is precise and silky treble and crystalline." I confirm! All positions are great to play, what fun ... but fun on the all-tube of course! With Xotic RC + some Wampler, everything is precise, defined and warm.
I had in the past a Fender Strat Lone Star U.S., good warmth, SRV, but bad resonance, which I replaced with a Fender Custom Shop Closet Classic 60 'sublime 2000 (microphones reissue 60' specially made for this guitar by Fender CS). I kept this guitar 10 years and it gave me great pleasure. But my Squier equipped with these pickups has nothing to envy, or even the silky side microphones Tornado is more beautiful. I have 2 other Squier 89 (darker violin, but hot) and 92, and will soon exchange plates comparos other, and no doubt, that will be my next microphones Tornadoes MS Pickup! The virus Torande stung me, to be continued ...