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< All Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L reviews
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Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L
Tornade MS Pickups Strat ’60s Serie L
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Published on 02/12/11 at 15:11
I called three weeks ago Marc for more info and the first contact is with an enthusiast who takes the time to explain, what we really want and answer all questions even if we have lot;)
So I ordered the kit 60, received a few days later pickups and have mounted in the crowd on my Fender Stratocaster RI62.
First test on a Fender Champion 600 Updated:
These microphones are always sweet, soft and creamy to perfection, without being mushy.
One feels at home a lot of presence, attack and magnificent treble without being aggressive.

I will move quickly to test on my bassman and my Blues Junior.

They are really excellent
I also took the opportunity to change the tone condo offers a view that Marc Orange Drop for each kit. Nice

I'm already thinking about ordering another set and a 50.

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