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Nightbox MaxiStrobe

All user reviews for the Nightbox MaxiStrobe

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  • Axel C.Axel C.

    Nightbox MaxiStrobePublished on 11/24/05 at 08:33
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    I have a year and it still works well, stop adjustable rear and can connect a wired remote. bought € 39 and it seems like a good price but hey it is not the 1500W 60W
  • arnaud35000arnaud35000

    Nightbox MaxiStrobePublished on 11/04/06 at 05:43
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    Soirergulire use for over 3 years, no problem, Ragit when he asks, impeccable! But the room ds Exceeds the capacity of 100 people it would take 2! And yes you can link them together, it gnial!
    In fact, as a 39 per prcedemment cit c'st great!
    Trs good quality