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API Audio 525
Bertrand Duvel Bertrand Duvel
Published on 05/12/08 at 06:15
API 525

Playback Price: 1299 TTC
Price: 1429 TTC

Designed lorigine in the 70's, the API 525 is a compressor type rgnration loop (feedback), such as 1176, 660, etc. It provides a controlled lentre of the (threshold) and output (catch-up gain). A CONTRL end supplmentaire ceiling changes the threshold and gain for catching altrations subtle compression without changing the output. A button-compression rate limitation RULES 2:1 or 20:1. The time is extremely fast dattaque: 15s. Four modes of time relchement are accessible by two buttons: 0.1s, 0.5s, 1.5s and 2.0s. A function of sibilants dlimination INSRE filter curve in the opposite voice dnergie dtecteur rduction for effective sibilance and pops. The 525 is an exact rdition Mon API products the most popular of all time.

The API 525 is perhaps the compressor loop rgnration transistor and having had more success in Lhistoire. It allows a CONTRL behavior of the dynamic linear VCA compressors away so common today. A remarkable CONTRL multifunction ceiling allows the daugmenter rduction gain (lower threshold) while adjusting the output level in the same proportion to the User to the dynamics altrer flies without level changes. The design of this rdition schmas is derived from original drawings and archival shots API.

Time varies with the relchement frquence, high-frquences relches full band as soon as the only low frequencies for a natural follow-up on the envelope. Dattaque time is fixed, chosen to catch the crest of the fastest-free pumping. Also useful for recording or mixing quen compressor-limiter gnral, benefitted from the API 525 are empty for those who use compression regularly. A CONTRL Lancien of dynamics, simple to use multi-function buttons and a wide range of options for mounting in the 500 SERIES ensure that the 525 will take your most critical applications. Laddition of a button with bypass physical and dune between symtrique cblage identical to that of other modules in the SERIES 500, 525 REPRESENTATIVES always APRS 25 years, sound. We can string two or more 525s for multichannel compression.

The compressor-limiter loop rgnration 525 uses op-amps 2510 and 2520 and thus offers the reliability and life luniformit are all CHARACTERISTICS API products.

Rdition the original API 525 of the beginning of the 70
Compressor-limiter feedback peak-detection
Output levels and threshold variables
CONTRL unique combination of features ceiling cls
VU display for viewing the rduction gain
Choice of four modes of time relchement
Dlimination function of sibilants
Traditional circuit design Fully discrte API
Bypass physical


- The configuration gnrale Is it easy? YES
- The edition of sounds and effects is it easy? YES
- The manual is clear and sufficient? YES


- Effects are they effective, suitable and adequate ralistes? YES EXCELLENT
- Which instruments do you use? VOICE, GUITAR, DRUMS, etc ...


Sre value and recognized, high quality, excellent no doubt