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API Audio 527
API Audio 527
U-FLYstudio U-FLYstudio

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Published on 04/07/13 at 23:46
mono compressor API 500 format
VCA compressor uses op amps 2510 and 2520


we find all the usual controls of a compressor: input, threshold, ratio, attack and release,
but most small port a different pattern detection circuit called the "Trust" can filter the signal, instead of a response curve right, if that is sloped, and the serious negative positive in the acute, there are also two ways to use specific API: New and old, and a selector Hard or Soft
this is very comprehensive


in terms of sound quality, do not worry, it's punch, slap it, it is clear, precise
with all controls is quite versatile, even if it is not the machine that will allow you to also trash that 1176 rev A button to ALL!
it is also used on a whole mix or on a bus, for example thanks to the battery link if you have two 527, the sound is quite modern, and for my part I like when he was asked to stay in something a little soft, ie in "soft" with the OLD and in with the filter enclancher Thrust engaged, there is very nice and stylish on a drum bus


very good compressor, full
with a light color and a tendency to give slaps fine