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Avalon Vt-747sp
Avalon Vt-747sp
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Published on 05/01/09 at 17:11
The Avalon VT-747 is a single channel strip that contains a high end pre-amp as well as a compressor and a graphic equalizer. It is an all analog unit that is tube based in terms of power. It has XLR connections in the back and is a rack mountable unit that will take up two rack space units.


The Avalon VT-747 is pretty easy to use if you have any experience with channel strips, but may take a bit of getting used to otherwise simply because there are so may different parameters and uses for this unit. While it would take too long to go in depth about each of the parameters, suffice it to say that there is an incredible amount of control over your signal, making the Avalon VT-747 a versatile unit that not only sounds great but gives you are palette of options in order to get the exact sound you are looking for.


The sounds all across the board on the Avalon VT-747 are absolutely top notch. The pre-amp is extremely warm sounding and will present the signal coming in accurately without leaving out any of the details. The compressor is also quite good sounding, with plenty of parameters to get that perfect tone. The EQ section sounds crisp and clear, containing seven bands of preset frequencies. Another great feature of the Avalon VT-747 is the side-chain and high pass and low pass options, ensuring that you can eliminate any unwanted noise.


I’ve only been using the Avalon VT-747 for about six months, but I loved this unit from the first time I used it. It is a great pre-amp for recording anything and the compression and graphic EQ features only add to the versatility of the unit. Since the Avalon VT-747 will cost you a pretty penny, I would only recommend this for professional engineers looking for the best possible tone no matter what the cost. Overall, the is Avalon VT-747 is one of the great modern day made channel strips out there, and is loved by professionals all over.