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Audiothingies updates the P6 firmware

Audiothingies released version 1.0 of the firmware of his P6 polysynth module and announces lower prices for his DIY kits.

This new version of the P6 firmware adds a Polychain mode that allows for using multiple modules together so you can expand the number of available voices. This option, called “lnk” is available in the menu, with three Off, Master and Slave sync settings.

Other changes:

  • Added 1 Insert FX with dry/wet control (original stereoizer, chorus/flanger with positive and negative feedback)
  • Added delay algorithms (ping/pong, mono with hi-cut, stereo with hi-cut, modulated mono and stereo)
  • Added hi-cut on Stereoizer FX
  • 1 insert FX + 1 delay algorithm available at the same time
  • New matrix sources: not (note number – does not take transpose nor pitch bend into account, needs work), aft (mono aftertouch), cst (offset value) and nze (noise)
  • New matrix destinations: fin (fine pitch), ptc (global pitch – different than previous one), ft1 (osc1 fine tune), tn1 (osc1 tune), ft2, tn2, VCA and pan
  • 3 scalers and 1 lag processor added
  • Envelope reset-to-zero at trig option added
  • The LFOs now have 4 modes: vce (voice) : standard mode, each voice has a dedicated LFO ; fre (freerun) : the LFO is global to all voices in a freerunning mode ; 1st : like freerun but the 1st note in a chord does retrig the LFO and all : like freerun but retrigges all note on
  • LFO phase parameter added (0°-45°-90°)
  • MIDI out now passes all incoming data thru
  • Preset selection is now cyclic
  • LP4 filter was not correctly gain compensated – fixed

Owners of the P6 can download the new firmware at www.audiothingies.com

Audiothingies also decided to lower the price of his P6 DIY kits, visit his store for more information.

Following are two videos of this v1 and the Polychain mode:




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