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Roland SH-32
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chguigoz59 chguigoz59

«  Nice little machine »

Published on 12/05/11 at 04:14
I will not remember his CHARACTERISTICS, other opinions better than I do ...


Everything is accessible almost IMMEDIATE except a few buttons that allow access multiple modes or combinations of keys to press simultanment. The notice also will be of good help on this.
edit sound is easy and fast enough, damage the position of the cursor does not refltent rglages present a set of LEDs as a R3 for example. In addition, the tiny screen display not only shows minimal values ​​of the button that is being handled.
The manual is average, and poorly organized. This is not serious trs to the extent one is dealing a pretty simple machine overall.
I acquired this "desk synthse" for my set of complter machine.J got a R3 and Micron and I must say that this synth has given me more because it has sound s and diffrent complmentaires of the latter.


The sounds are really good and sound good "Roland" in the whole not unlike The series of Juno, Jupiter, and Sh-101. There are also distorted lead sounds reminiscent of JD-800.Les sounds are hot throughout and sounding quite thick and not too numriques felt and as the filter is not complete open, it is a trs nice surprise! I like tablecloths with patch 21, which is a good analog ground near a clbre piece of Pink Floyd. I think the sheets are one of its strengths because they sound good analog, a little fawn a rpeuses the Eminent.
It is also good in the lower right trs trs Submitted and prcises because, as one does not ask too much of an attack because the envelopes are a little soft. In this regard, I dplore the cot trs abrupt rglage envelopes is not prcis trs.
The downside is the real time. Indeed, custom settings ragissent slowly varying the sound stair, it is not the most beautiful effect! We must move slowly the pitch bend wheel while playing a arpge otherwise blocking notes during the pitch change! No one on this point and it is the very first time I see this kind of default on a machine. I found all of this was even better than MIDI.
But overall, the sound is good and trs trs sounds close to an analog is what is asked. The sound is clear, no breath, no artifact or noise due to the envelopes as can be seen on other machines.
32 voice polyphony is gnreux for that price or a machine usually must settle for four or eight votes.


I note trs good on the report quality price and quality sound despite its default. It is a small device that will find its place in any set of synth.
A "must have" especially given its price and relative machines Chres more current or more that do not sound as well as this one!

- Sounds great and nice to see a close analogue - Sounds thick and Submitted, bright and clear. For VA, bravo Roland!
- Good arpeggiator that allows its own expressive phrases and trs
- Editing sounds easy and fast with a little practice with no decision-head
- Good effects and ruffed
- Kits correct rhythm (909,808)
- 32-voice polyphony (if a single oscillator) and 4 parts multitimbral!
- Manual rtable custom settings that the positions of the buttons (thankfully!)
- The price but apparently, its rating has dernirement augment. Machine rare finally
- Look cool and fresh, chssis mtallique machine rather unique

- Rglages varying the sound stair
- No indication of paramtres tural Patch
- Cracking in the sound when one varies the LFO with the panomarique
- OSC SYNC mode enlve filter and polyphony
- Cot some abrupt rglages
- No modulation matrix
- Display trs minimalist