13,180 videos
Erica Synths Resonant Filter Bank Sound Demo (Par…
Polybrute 12 Demo Sounds: Fabryczne Dźwięki Od Ku…
Time-Shifter Presentation
Prophet Rev2 Soundset - Vcm Voice Component Model…
Prophet Rev2 Soundset - Vcm Voice Component Model…
Introducing Ub-Xa Operating System 2 0
Daft Punk 101... or 909? Rollin' and Scratchin' q…
Phantom - Cobalt 8X Patch
Rollin' & Scratchin': Revisiting A Daft Punk Clas…
Vintage Japanese phase shifter effect suddenly br…
Hard to equal an analog tape echo meeting a drum …
analog arp and drums
80+ Elektron Analog Four Drum Presets/Sound Pack
Elektron Analog Four/Keys Bass Presets. Sound Dem…
Recording 8 Chrome Tapes At Double Speed: Type 2 …
Recording 13 Chrome Tapes At 3.75 Ips: Type 2 Cas…
Arturia Polybrute 12 ~ The Best Sounds Part 2
Qmmg Vs 292T Vs Sosumi Vs Centaur's Gate
Sequential Rev2 | Revelations Patch Bank
Analog Four…Not Your Usual Synth
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