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Arobas Music Guitar Pro 5
Arobas Music Guitar Pro 5
Damage of puppets Damage of puppets
Published on 04/05/10 at 12:22
Child and quick installation.
No problem of incompatibility.


CPU AMD Athlon 64 Dual Core + 2 GB of ram.
Used on Windows XP. No problems running in the field of publishing tablature.

We can not say the same regarding the novelty of this version 5: RSE (Realistic Sound Engine) ...
This big "engine" is very greedy. He eats all memory of the computer to make it saturated.
So I prefer to use the midi sounds during the editing phases left to even make plays early in the afternoon and CSR book only for a final listening and backing tracks.
Sometimes it's slow sometimes a chouille during playback, which is enough to shift the tempo of one or two notes. There on the other hand is really annoying but it rarely happens anyway.

Fortunately, the bugs caused by CSR can be managed.
The saturation of the memory is symbolized by an error message. From that moment it just save the changes, close the tab and reopen it immediately so that everything starts again.

Certainly it is not very practical but still less restrictive than restarting the PC.


I use it for some years now. Version 4 was enough for me amply, but I was getting tired of hitting the tabs that I could not open just because I did not have the latest version ...
In addition I was the only member of my group have yet to version 4. It adds an additional constraint in the exchange of tabs because my friends did not think systematically convert their files into GP4 GP5 ...

So I decided to do the SHIFT to version 5.2 for 29 € and I do not regret it.
The CSR cause some bugs, but since they do not bother me when editing tablatures, my overall rating will remain indulgent. It just makes them off with the F2 key to ending up with a similar use to GP4 and be quiet.

Regarding developments in this version 5, I remember especially the presentation of the score is still much better to follow and much more like a song book in GP4. I also like the new interface. Clearer and better served with the functions and easily customizable (a small adjustment period is still necessary to use its indexes).

And finally in regard to CSR, certainly much nicer than the midi sounds of Windows, especially if one takes the time to customize some as the guitar distortion. It was spoiled for choice with many amp models and a very varied bunch of effects rather well done. Only it is regrettable that this system is also resource intensive. You end up preferring to use the fast midi sounds for backing tracks or highlight skeud to jam it.

It is also regrettable to see that we can hardly earn noon and CSR as one causes more latency than the other. The advantage of this extra noise becomes useless if it was not bad on secondary instruments such as piano tablature for example, which is available only noon.