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Denon DJ DN-S1000
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Published on 07/25/05 at 06:12
Well I aquérir this plate there are almost 1 month I am very satisfied, it reads the mp3 (c great, except that some functions are not sure), the effect is satisfactory if there is a good use.
before buying it I try a lot of platinum full range pioneer, denon, numark, technics, reloop, bst.
there were 2 model that caught my attention on the cdj 200-1000 and dns, but level value for money iol there was no picture I chose Denon, for € 50 more than a cdj100 I more effect, I read the mp3 and I pitch bend, and I have a great design (small footprint).
With the experience I save, and I peer cdj1000mk2 or two then sl 1200gold