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Denon DJ DN-S1200
lekikigolf4 lekikigolf4
Published on 04/23/09 at 06:46
Audience: Advanced Users
-How long have you use it?
I use it for about two months.

- What is the particular feature you like best and least?
Most: playing MP3 files via USB, the effects DIFFERENT, the plateau prcis super, size, grip fast enough, no problem this day (very high reliability.

Minimum: Can be the size for some but not me I am drang, some problem to read files via the USB port ...

- Have you tried many other models before acqurir?
This is my CD players before j'tait Premire on M-Audio Xponent.

- How do you report qualitprix?
The report is really qualitprix trs good purchase 800 euros for two, I looked for CDJ 400 and although they are not seeing double Chres limited and not necessarily ment of a better bill ... trs good buy!

- With the exprience, you do again this choice?
Yes and even twice!
Frankly the price will find the plates USB/MP3/CD so good!
I advise any DJ who want that look elsewhere ... The rest of the Pioneer gear pro despite some say!
Denon Congratulations!