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Denon DJ DN-S5000
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_Chris_ _Chris_
Published on 11/06/03 at 05:01
Certainly what is the best in simple CD players.

The functions are many and inddites, such as alpha track that lets you play and mix two tracks on a CD even two audio thanks ...

A ct of ca ago the turntable is nice plutt use, it works like a turntable, with a large tray mtal and a hard top that slides, you can even add felt to customize bte. You can also add an adapter to put an old 45 rpm ...

With updates from CD, Denon now offers MP3 playback with all functions (scratch, loop, splice, hot cue, pitch ...) except for the Alpha track.

Something is not bad either the Hot Disc, ca can inject the CD with its 35s to put the following and prparer, and if we make a loop on these 35s, he continued gently bah without CD, it was time to look in his tank.

As with other Denon players, we can mmoriser its rglages prfrs (auto cue, turntable or not, single / continuous elapsed / remain, etc ...) to find each time rglages the same power.

I prfre: alpha track

What I like least: the complexity of certain orders

Report quality price: Although more comprehensive than a CDJ 1000 for the same price that you ask for ...

In résumé is an infernal machine, there's never been around so it is complete, you can buy one to start thanks alpha track, in short, a rgal.