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Pioneer CDJ-200
Pioneer CDJ-200

Tabletop DJ player from Pioneer belonging to the CDJ series

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bilos bilos
Published on 08/05/07 at 12:14
I used this drive in several accessories and what I like is the look, effects, loop CHARACTERISTICS finally the same products in it.
But in fact it's not a deck that j'achterais not because I like the wheel, although not practical for a temporary stall if you want to mix long.
I worked with almost every single or double players from Denon and Pioneer.
But if you had to compare the CDJ 500S 100S and the 200 I prfre far MODELS last two because they are much better use. For example when adcale catch the beat, also for quick search and then to wedge a cue point they are faster. For the price I think Pioneer EXAGRES always been good but the reliability.
Anyway I n'achterais not the turntables. I put 5 / 10 That's my opinion.