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BeSound Deep Electro Vol.1

BeSound has announced the free download, until November 30, 2011, of Deep Electro Vol.1, their first sound library for Native Instruments' Kontakt.

BeSound sampled every note of each waveform of various Analog synths using pre-amplifiers and a vacuum tube. This vacuum tube based equalizer actually went out of service because one of the final tubes broke down, BeSound says.


Not being able to find the original tube they tried to use an old military tube. For the original use of this equipment, the result was a complete catastrophe, they. But when using it to change the frequency response (the tone of a sound), they say it became “just magic, unique”.


This sample library comes with analog basses and some clean leads, BeSound says.


Deep Electro Vol.1 contains:

  • 1 GB of 44.1khz samples (over 2300 wav files).
  • 60 NKI presets.
  • Recorded with a “prism sound” A/D converters.



Available for free until November 30th.

  • StainlessB 9 posts
    New AFfiliate
    Posted on 10/31/2011 at 18:07:06
    can't find a link?????

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