Three-Body Technology Heavier7Strings
Warmer/analog simulator
Three-Body Technology Cabinetron
Software Amp Simulator
Three-Body Technology Raindrop and Blade
Other virtual guitar
Three-Body Technology SpecCraft
Software parametric EQ
Three-Body Technology Kirchhoff-EQ
Software parametric EQ
Three-Body Technology US Rack AI
Software channel strip
Three-Body Technology Whisper of Loong
Other virtual wind instrument
Three-Body Technology Trinity
Software channel strip
Three-Body Technology Modern G-31
Software parametric EQ
Three-Body Technology Brit 73 AI
Software channel strip
Three-Body Technology Phoenix Scream
Other virtual wind instrument
Three-Body Technology Thick Pre AI
Warmer/analog simulator
Three-Body Technology World in Gourd
Other virtual wind instrument
Three-Body Technology Deep Vintage Bundle
Computer Music software bundle
Three-Body Technology Green AD AI
Warmer/analog simulator
Three-Body Technology Tear of Land
Other virtual wind instrument
Three-Body Technology Cenozoix Compressor
Software compressor
Three-Body Technology Tape M AI
Tape/Vinyl simulator
Three-Body Technology Lost Soul
Other virtual wind instrument
Three-Body Technology Tape S AI
Tape/Vinyl simulator