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Marshall 2061X
Marshall 2061X

Tube Guitar Amp Head from Marshall belonging to the Handwired series

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sebasto sebasto
Published on 11/22/07 at 01:57
Lamp-class A. 2 EL84 power
-20 Watts
-See below


-We can no longer simply a flight, a tone! The tone is trs effective and provides all kinds of EQ.
It has branch-rings, it's magic, vintage trs. No need for pedals or other. Hendrix, Led Zep, AC / DC following the scratching sound is at once a real rgal.
-The manual is very well, it just helps the novice to all that is the connections ... because the use is very simple.


Perfect-big rock rock and blues-rock even if it is an amp you love to background just for the sake of the ears, can be done while playing the blues with other styles see .
Regardless, the guitar has come! Start, Tele, LP, SG ... etc ... it is the foot every time.
-20 Watts background is actually a ring trs vintage Marshall Plexi sound in all its glory. Obviously we can go through to clear attnuateur Dranger of the neighborhood.
The Clean is not the worst even if it is not a twin but I t enjoyable surprise crunch and saturation of madness Obviously well.
Possibility of connecting channels between them for more sounds!


I-prs possde this amp since a year and a half
"I like everything, especially its simplicity and the fact that" sounds "right away.
"I likes this brand but I find the contemporary MODEL very blah and too typical metal. The sound of other RI is not quite vintage buffs too, unlike the Hanwired SERIES. The JCM800 and 900 are surcts trs bof short Obviously this amp is placed well above a montage of old hand made, no PCBs or other.
It cost in stores in 1400, he was worth because it's 100% hand made. The finish is excellent and also the reliability. It's a rare opportunity for those who possde gnralement guard!
-I would do this choice without worry, this amp is the pure state of happiness for any guitarist who respects and loves the sounds of the greatest guitar hero.