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Red Bear MK 60
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davad davad
Published on 04/18/05 at 01:19
I do not possde MK 60, but the 120, all-tube amp, 120 watt power nrme!
A single channel type JTM 45 with Volume, Bass, Mid, Treble, prsence, Master, 2 between High and Low Z, with sensitivity of swithces (boost nrme).
possible to connect the bte all kinds of cabs with DIFFERENT outputs 4, 8 and 16 ohms.


This is an amp could not be more simple to use: you plug, turn the knobs and it was the Son.
manual difficult to find, but I rglages the factory.


This amp should any style of music. Lovers of big sound fat and clear sound as mtal lens, this amp is a versatile without scabies in this price range. In addition, power is more than adequate, even to play in a stadium ...


I use the bte 8 years now, and he never made default. the only problem is that it is difficult to find the lamps used by the Russians. Indeed, the power tubes are 5881, while the lamps pramp are bastards, the 6n2p-ev (in Russian 6h2n-eb). For more info,
the major chareceristique this amp is a full dlivrer normment with serious, a beautiful harmonic richness, a versatile and amazing about the simplicity of rglages. In terms of construction, some manufacturer Soldano Hot Rod amricains style, Rivera and his ilk have copy of our Russian friends, because they did not envy them: spring-mounted lamps, oversized transformer (d 'consquent or weight), construction any evidence. Of gear solid, unique, and that sounds incredibly well.
Worth more than sre!
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