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Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp
Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp
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Published on 12/12/05 at 10:02
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The configuration request some time to adapt, especially if you're used to, like me, Marshall. Everything has an impact on the rest, it is rather disconcerting at first, turn a knob a few millimeters, you press a button and bam sound is different, but the trick when you freelance sound is excellent.


I use it with a Fat Start, Ibanez RG270 with a Di Marzio pickups and Washburn WI64. It is suitable for all styles of music, you can get any sound, from the crystal clear sounds with the fattest of distos.


It'll be one month that I use, I like his extreme versatility, equalo 5 bands and especially the ITS, warm, round, beautiful, only down the reverb is not great.

I tried several preamps, Rocktron Voodu Valve, Chameleon & V-Twin rack and amp simulation, POD, V-amp or J-Station, I also have a Marshall JMP-1 Mesa and bury them all and at the same time we do not play the same category without considering the price of the new preamps Mesa.

I would do the same choice without hesitation, to € 450 OCCAZ with footswitch is given.