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Lunnar XRack
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Larfemoon Larfemoon
Published on 12/15/03 at 04:03
APRS 2 years working with a Guillemot ISIS DCID I change to a Lunnar Xrack. My goal is to record my band, making models. I succeeded without problem (apart from the latency and the problem of incompatibility with my ISIS and 8 inputs. So I need a map of more than 6 inputs ( to store a battery for example).
My config:
ASUS A7V133 Motherboard + Athlon 1Ghz Proc, 640 MB SDRAM, Windows XP pro.

What was my surprise when opening the bote of Lunnar Xrack ... the manual was only a few pages. In addition, documentation of the map as a map Submitted as can afford to save "12 between simultanment" but it does not say is that these 12 entries are recorded on two tracks! Clearly ... I have done.


The installation is against trs trs quick and simple: a simple USB connection, a floppy disk and presto everything is installed and running state.
I have not noticed any incompatibility.
The manual does not exist (10 pages break everything) and it's really not clear, moreover, it is impossible to find information supplmentaires currently online.


In use, this card is a real pleasure compared the Isis. The phantom power, and multiple connectors eliminate the need for a mixer and all with a latency of 11ms only!

But then ... the whole is simply mix two tracks ... What is the intrt then?


I just bought this card and I will return it to the seller because it is not appropriate to use that I wanted to do. It is not CHRE (about 350), the quality is good but it is not for use with multitrack software such as Cubase. In addition the South is not supported. The manual and the ad for this card is not clear and it is simply by calling the constructor I could get the corrections.